Illegal dumping & Fly tipping – Had enough?
It’s going on all around you on a small scale. Bundles of cans piled around overflowing bottle banks and litter bins. You will also notice the recent proliferation of full black plastic bags being discarded on remote rural roads and left to the mercy of the wildlife and local residents.
Then we have the organized commercial grade activity of large-scale dumping illegally on remote sites, either with or without the consent of the landowner. Items such as construction and demolition waste, oils, paints, hedge clippings, rubble, tyres, even wrecked cars etc are routinely found in the larger sites.
This simply has to stop.
There are many reasons behind it & solutions available both in prevention and policing, but we will deal with these and the poor enforcement in a later blog piece.
For now, just say no more and help to stop it by reporting instances you come across to the local authority waste management section. Even better, help the Irish times to publicise this shameful disrespect of our countryside. There is no such place as ‘away’. It is someone else’s living space.
What can you do?
If you are aware of it going on, take a picture and send details to the Irish Times.Peter Murtagh is campaigning on it and wants your help to bring instances to the attention of the greater public.
Peter Murtagh is campaigning on it and wants your help to bring instances to the attention of the greater public.
He’s highlighted large-scale illegal dumping in Donegal recently and has taken a lead on the Times’ Stop Illegal Dumping project. He is interested in following-up on the issue and Zero Waste Alliance Ireland fully supports his efforts. Let’s help him.