Time to vent your thoughts on Climate Change?
No one hears your thoughts on the environment unless you make them known.
So now you have a chance to let the Government know, through the Citizens assembly. We’ve had too much green washing and too little action by Governments in Ireland over the past decade to help us fight climate change and this is a time to let them know how frustrated we are about it. The Citizens Assembly submissions process on “How the State can make Ireland a leader in tackling climate change” is now open (link to form below). So go have your say. It can be as long or short as you want.

Submissions Process
The submissions process on “How the State can make Ireland a leader in tackling climate change” is now open. The closing date for submissions on the topic is Friday 11th of August.
Members of the public, representative groups and citizen organisations are urged to make a submission to the Assembly.
Will they listen?
Well, the Assembly has been tasked with considering some of the most complex topics facing Irish society and now it will be looking at something that has posed a challenge for societies right across the world. Climate change, specifically one country or another’s capacity to lead or to step back from the issue, is a global talking point right now. So it is timely for us all in Ireland to be participate in this discussion.
What aspects of Climate Change will the Assembly look at?
In order to give this topic due consideration, the Assembly will meet over two weekends to consider it; 30th September/ 1st October and 6th/7th November; a second weekend has been added to allow the members to consider this important issue more fully to enhance the discussion and the eventual recommendations which emerge.
Submissions are invited across the full spectrum of issues in relation to Climate Change, but in particular, the Assembly would like to hear views on Ireland’s energy, transport, waste management and agriculture sectors.
National Dialogue on Climate Change. That group will consider how the State can properly engage the wider public, that’s us all, on the issue of climate change. So submissions addressing this aspect are also welcome.
Will your input be read? How will your submission be used?
The first answer is Yes. All submissions will be published on the Assembly’s website, and a summary will be prepared for the Members of the Assembly in advance of the September meeting. The submissions will play a key role in helping develop the work programme on the topic and can ultimately shape the recommendations being made by the members to the Houses of Oireachtas. The Assembly has already begun to publish the submissions received to date on their site.
Want to talk to them too?
That’s possible too. You see, according to the Assembly’s Rules and Procedures following receipt of submissions on any matter, the Assembly may choose to hear oral presentations from any representative group or individual to assist in its deliberations. As such those wishing to be considered to address the Assembly should first make a submission.
What will be the outcome of the deliberations?
According to the resolution establishing the Assembly, the Assembly must report and make recommendations to the Houses of the Oireachtas. This is done by means of a voting by the members. The resolution goes on to say that the Government will provide in the Houses of the Oireachtas a response to each recommendation of the Assembly and, if accepting the recommendation, will indicate the time frame it envisages for the holding of any related referendum
Ok. that’s clear. So How do I make a submission?
Submissions can be made online using the form below or by post to:
16 Parnell Square,
Dublin 1,
D01 X9Y2.
To arrive no later than 11th of August 2017. Online submissions will remain open until 5pm on 11th August.
All documents received by the Assembly secretariat may be listed on the website, in order of date received and displayed with a name/name of organisation, and the title of the submission.
So to save time, go have a look at previous submissions online and pick the points you want to support. Then the ideas will start to flow. Keep it short and punchy though, so it is read quickly.
Here’s some useful documents to reference in your piece. (good info at your fingertips)
- Environmental Protection Agency fact sheet on Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change
- The National Mitigation Plan
- National Policy Position on Climate Action and Low Carbon Development
- Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015
- Climate Change Advisory Council – Periodic Review Report 2017
- Climate Change Advisory Council – First Report
- The European Commission 2030 Climate and Energy Framework
- The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- The Paris Agreement