
Vote Circular For #GE2020

Europe is already on board the circular economy express train. We’re fully behind this but all of Ireland needs to get on board , and very soon. Our laggard governments of the past have caused us to miss the early express train and we wait at the Circular station for the late train. We must be on this!

Let’s kick start the CIRCULAR ECONOMY in 2020. How? Vote Circular !

So make your vote count this General election . You must only support the political parties with real Circular economy ambitions. Alas, there is not much to cheer about when one reads the detail of the manifestos, but hope remains.

Our Government’s very poor track record in how we deal with waste, must change.

We’ve had enough of weak targets not being met and low ambitions on needed changes. The proposed new Circular Economy Action Plan needs to go beyond the old concept of waste to embrace a holistic shift in our economy. We must really promote sustainable production and consumption, instead of solely focusing on the end of pipe management of waste.

New Green Deal needed for GE2020.

In line with the European Green Deal, our circular economy needs to provide the basis for the future of the Irish economy, including key sectors such as industry, transport and agriculture.

Vote circular or end up in an eco cul de sac.

  1. We must get greater commitments of resources to support circular economy initiatives from the ground up at a community level. Let’s encourage the roll-out of reuse, repurpose and repair workshops.
  2. We need serious financial incentives for zero-waste themed startups, up-cycling businesses, particularly in rural areas. This will create many new skilled jobs in communities and grow the not for profit sectors.
  3. The next Government we elect must take early action on a number of initiatives which have been debated and researched to the limit already. It is time for action.
  4. One example is to launch a deposit and refund scheme for glass, plastic bottles and cans.
  5. Coincide this with a push for levies or a ban on disposable, single-use items such as beverage containers and single-use cups and cutlery. We also need a stronger crackdown and zero tolerance of illegal dumping, especially in rural scenic sites.

The list can go on and on, but let’s be brief and focus on your first action… elect a new government that understands the circular economy and is willing to act on it.

If we don’t we will end up in an environmental cul de sac.

We’re glad to endorse the GE2020 Environmental Pillar’s manifesto which covers waste, climate change and much more. Read more about the Environmantal Pillar’s Manifesto here:



